Create Reservation

Note: All required fields are indicated with an asterisk.

I've read and agree to the room reservation policy.
Reservation Scheduling
Is this meeting or event open to the public? Check the public option above if this event should show up in the public calendar.
If you need more than one hour to set up, leave this field blank and adjust the event start to include set up.
If you need more than one hour to tear down, leave this field blank and adjust the event end time to include tear down.
Reservation Date

Start date

End date

Room Information
Reserving this Room

Room usage

  • For groups of 3 or more
  • May be used for up to 4 hours per day
  • Must be 16 years or older to reserve this room
  • At least one individual aged 16 or older must be present in the room while the room is in use

Users responsibilities:

  • Check in with staff before and after reservation
  • Clean up and restore the room to its default setup
  • Let attendees know the time and location of this meeting
  • Event marketing will not imply this event is a library program or use Library branding
  • Items cannot be stored in the room 


  • There is no charge to use this room

Rooms not occupied within 30 minutes of the reserved time will be considered cancelled and available for use.

Contact Information
Do you wish to receive a reminder before the reservation date?
Organization Information

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